The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is a great program which allows Medicaid consumers to choose their own caregivers.Which means consumer has more control over who provides their care and how it is provided. This program is also great for a caregiver to earn extra income. If you are not enrolled in Medicaid yet, no worries our agency helps consumers with applying for Medicaid and all other necessary stages to enroll in CDPAP. Please give us a call so we can help you with the process.
Questions you may have:
Do you need to enroll in a Managed Long Term Care plan to be illegible for CDPAP?
How will I know if I qualify for CDPAP?
Who can I choose as my caretaker?
Will it cost me anything?
CDPAP Eligibility requirements:
1. You must have Medicaid.
2. You must require home care for at least 120 days a year.
3. You must be self-directing, or you must have a representative that can direct your care.